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Key Skills & Services 
  • Strategy, KPIs and & plans

  • "Day in the life" & persona profiles

  • Value proposition definition

  • Positioning

  • Claims development & management

  • Naming

  • Brand guidelines development

  • Identity - logo, key messaging & visuals

  • Co-branding & partnership management

  • Research - VP, message testing, eye-tracking, etc. 

  • Customer experience planning & evaluation (online/@retail)

  • Packaging - including OOBE (out of box experience)

  • Metrics & analysis

  • Best practices & implementation insights

" Making promises and keeping them is a great way to build a brand."

- Seth Godin

Brands & Products

Touch to learn more about my work with these brands

" Simplicity is complexity resolved."

- Constantin Brancusi


Partnerships & Activities

Touch to learn more about my work with these brands


585.924.2658   H

585.905.4557   M




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© 2023  by Kristin Kraus   Marketing & Communications Consultant in Rochester NY 

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