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Key Skills & Services 
  • Strategy, KPIs and & plans

  • "Day in the Life" & customer experience goals

  • Persona development/profiles

  • Current website assessment

  • Information architecture & wireframes

  • Content strategy, creation & execution

  • Marketing requirements documents (MRD) & Product requirements documents (PRD)

  • Inbound strategy & plans

  • eMail & PURLs

  • Marketing automation planning & implementation

  • Online promotions, sweepstakes & ecoupons

  • eCommerce

  • Social media implementation

  • Online advertising

  • Co-branded online presence

  • Metrics & analysis

  • Tools: Requirements gathering & prioritization

  • Best practices & implementation insights

" Intuitive design is how we give the user new superpowers. "  
-Jared Spool

Playing Favorites

I know we're not supposed to play favorites with our kids, but I confess . . . my favorite projects tend to be digital and  interactive. I think it's because it gives me a chance to really connect and have a conversation with customers. Feedback is a very good thing.

eCommerce Solutions To Go

I helped deliver ecommerce solutions for Staples, Kodak and Getinge -- for both B2B and consumer clients.


A few examples:


  • A front and back-end solution that many major retailers (Walmart, CVS, Target) used to deliver their custom online photo centers


  • We connected photo experiences at theme parks/cruises/big events with online ordering and fulfillment


  • Custom online ordering and management tools for supplies/services


  • Customer portals for ordering, tracking and onsite/offsite distribution management


  • A site for the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) to promote a fundraising event - linked to RPO backend for payment processing 

Lease Program website for Getinge

EXPLORE: See the case study here

Fundraising event for the RPO - also included email w/ social

" Instead of using technology to automate processes, think about using technology to enhance human interaction.

-Tony Zambit

Strategy, Social Studies 

& Storytelling 

It's great to see the recent explosion and wide adoption of social media. From the early days of the web, I was lucky to be part of the creation of breakthrough social and sharing programs -- designed and built within the Kodak team. 


Our sites, content, ecoupons, promotions,   events, emails - everything was created to enhance the core message of Kodak - sharing. 


  • Online editing and scads of filters

  • Photo sharing apps - games, postcards

  • Photo Quilts - Veterans Day Walmart Promotion, International Kids Day, 911 Peace & Hope Quilt - many more

  • Photo tips & creative projects galore

  • Chats, online events

  • Message boards & forums for biz 

  • Streaming interviews from trade shows & events

  • Private sites for group sharing and training

  • Testing the trend of teens starting to combine watching tv while online (yup, that was new). Ad watching and web engagement - what would happen? One of my favorite pilot projects with our award-winning "Goth" ad series for teens 

  • Blogs, blogs, blogs  (I brought in our very first guest blogger from Target)



Content has been king for a long time


Strategies and programs were built with inspiration, tips and techniques as the foundation. And we customized content for different audiences - pros, tweens, teens, new parents, realors, etc. Personalization? Automated marketing? Yes, with ATG platform and Goldmine. 

I was frequently the lead on projects with some of the biggest brands on the planet. From the Olympics, World Cup and Nascar,  to major movie launches and "live from the red carpet" at the  Oscars, we were in the thick of things creating new ways to use the web to share. We even watched the falcons with Bird Cam. 


EXPLORE: Learn more about my work with these brands 


All of this innovation and focus paid off in many ways for our brands and those I've worked with since then. It gave me a rock-solid foundation and amazing collegues and agencies to collaborate with every day. 


Including all aspects of digital in the development of any strategy is in my DNA now. There's still plenty of new things to test and learn - but that's the fun part!

I love it when the customers do all the selling. Great content for lots of uses. Watch for the baby at the kiosk ;) 


EXPLORE: Learn more about this event

Early website project of mine focused on tips, ideas and early community options - still live!

Photo Books Imagery

What Did You Make Today at the Kodak Picture Kiosk?

A fresh take with customer stories front & center 

Sample high-level strategy documents & new site mockups
Click to open PDFs below

Retail Clerk Training Site Design:  secure, co-branded, included testing/reporting capabilities  (no longer live)

For more video samples of both consumers and retailers we encouraged to share their stories online, visit my YouTube Channel:

Customer sample video - footage included clips of:  

  • What they were making and why

  • How they made it/their experience at the kiosk 

We reached out to bloggers and influencers and asked them to share their stories. This is Marcy Massura's story of a day that did not start out as planned . . . 

Back to Business

When I joined Getinge, their site needed a LOT of work. And it would eventually get it, through a project to redesign and rebuild a global site -- in about a year or so.


We didn't have a year to wait. So we created a series of microsites with a development and hosting partner that helped us deliver web content, promotions, provide inbound support and tracking capabilities to tide us over.

We created micro sites to support sales efforts, promotions, email, direct mail, advertising, workshops, tradeshows and other programs

We worked with vendors to do the first email campaigns Getinge had ever done, and tested direct mail with PURLs. Our team created dashboards and a lead tracking system for the sales organization that notified them within minutes of a customer expressing interest in any of our content or programs. 


The work and results proved especially helpful in creating a clear vision for how effective digital marketing, CRM and automation programs could benefit Getinge. I was able to share very specific requirements as the new global site was being created, and provide concrete info to the SalesForce implementation team.


Many of these sites are still actively used today. 


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© 2023  by Kristin Kraus   Marketing & Communications Consultant in Rochester NY 

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